Dare To Be Healthy

Posts Tagged ‘Health

Popeye PowerPopeye Power2So here’s my new kitchen toy, VITAMIX, woohoo!! I have wanted this product for such a long time and since getting it, I have been making smoothies, ice cream, sorbets (no judging, I know it hasn’t exactly been great weather for cold stuff – indulge me) and soups. I’m getting ready to start making my own almond milk, sauces, nut butters etc. Mega exciting stuff!!

The vitamix came just in the nick of time – my smoothie maker had just given up on me. So the first thing I made with it was my awesome, yummy green smoothie – here’s the recipe with pictures to boot!! I also made a fabulous mango ice cream, recipe to follow, and will be posting more recipes I make with this fab, fab product, so keep checking back.

The great thing about the vitamix is that it’s quite versatile for a blender. You can make smoothies, ice cream, sorbets, soups (actually heats up), bread mix (which I will be trying out soon) and sauces. It’s so easy to use and clean, and here’s the absolute best part – it comes with seven years warranty. Is that cool or what?!! Anyway enough of me going on, here’s the smoothie recipe.

Mega Fibre Smoothie
4 broccoli florets
Handful spinach
½ cucumber
1 apple
Inch ginger
1 lime
Cup of water
1 tsp. milled flaxseed (I use Linwoods brand)

Put the lot in your juicer or blender (vitamix) except the flaxseed and juice. Pour in a glass, add the flaxseed, mix thoroughly and enjoy!

So I’m sitting in front of my laptop about to write this article, I look out the window and realise it’s the middle of March and still no sign of spring. I bet you’re all Spring2wondering like I am what’s happened to spring. With the very limited amount of sunlight, hardly any at all if I’m being honest, we need to look to boosting our bodies with supplements. Where am I going with this? Vitamin D – the “sunshine vitamin”.

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because it is produced by the skin in response to exposure to sunlight. We cannot get adequate amounts of Vitamin D from our diets so for those of us who live in a climate that has less sunshine, we need to supplement to keep our Vitamin D levels at its best.

So why do we need Vitamin D? We all know as we’ve been taught over the years that along with calcium, vitamin D builds strong bones, which is true to an extent. Here’s how it really works – vitamin D is actually crucial for the absorption of calcium in your intestines. It is activated in the body by the liver and kidneys before it can be used. Without adequate Vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium which means taking calcium is ineffective. Vitamin D also prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate and breast cancers and affects diabetes and obesity.

How do we know if we have adequate levels of vitamin D or are deficient? Some symptoms of mild Vitamin D deficiency include feeling tired, vague aches and pains, and a sense of not being well generally. In more severe deficiency known as “osteomalacia”, symptoms include more severe pain and weakness. Weakness of the muscles may cause difficulties in moving around, bones can feel tender when moderate pressure is applied – according to Andrew Weil M.D., “if it hurts to press firmly on your sternum, you may be suffering from chronic Vitamin D deficiency”.

Children are more prone to infections such as respiratory infections if deficient in Vitamin D. Breathing can be affected due to weakness in chest muscles and ribcage. It can also cause irritability and poor growth, and in more severe cases muscles spasms in babies.

Research has shown that a high number of people in the UK (in the winter and spring, 1 in 6 adults) and some other countries like Canada and some states in the USA are vitamin D deficient. This is because these countries lie further from the equator to have enough UVB rays from sunlight to make vitamin D.

There are some other instances where the body would not be able to make the necessary vitamin D such as:

  • Elderly people who have thinner skin than younger ones so are not able to produce as much vitamin D which leaves them at risk of deficiency
  • People who have darker skin e.g. Africans, Afro-Caribbeans are not able to make as much vitamin D. They may need 20 to 30 times as much exposure to sunlight than those with fair skin.
  • People who stay indoors a lot or those who cover up their bodies a lot e.g. wearing a veil or burqa are also at risk of deficiency.
  • Using sunscreen could potentially lead to deficiency especially those with SPF (factor 8 or above). Our bodies can produce vitamin D on their own when exposed to sunlight but the skin must be free of sunscreen, sunblock and clothing which all interfere with the process.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can also occur in people with medical conditions which can affect the way the body handles vitamin D and also people on certain types of medication.

To find out if you are vitamin D deficient, go to your doctor and ask to have a blood test done. Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight. It takes months of vitamin D supplementation and exposure to sunlight to rebuild the body’s bones and nervous system so it would be a good idea as part of daily routine to supplement and eat foods that have some amount of vitamin D present to prevent becoming deficient.

Oily fish like sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel and cod liver oil are the best dietary source of vitamin D. Milk and some cereals are fortified with synthetic vitamin D which are not adequate for the body. A person would have to drink 10 tall glasses of milk every day in order to just get the minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet, so I wouldn’t recommend relying on those.

While we are still without sunshine for now, and throughout the year, I would recommend getting vitamin D supplements to boost health and body. Eat healthy and exercise, and when spring and summer come around, get out there and get your free prescription of the sunshine vitamin – you totally deserve it!

Peace and Fabulous Health!

So third and final day…at least that’s what I thought. Woke up feeling a little more clear-headed but with a slight migraine nothing too major and the sore gums still. I didn’t feel too bad; the good effects kind of outweighed the migraine for the moment so I carried on with my routine. Glass of lemon and warm water, did my yoga and meditation and then made my juice for the day. Here’s the recipe:

Handful of kaleIMG_1491

1 avocado

Handful of parsley

1 apple

2 celery sticks

Cup of water

Really wanted to improve my skin as it was looking all dry and also to get some good fats in, this is why I threw in the avocado. This of course all goes into a blender, cannot juice avocado – very bulky smoothie (add water to thin it out a bit).

Because the migraine was lingering a bit, decided to have a salad earlier than I would have and besides I was catching up with a friend I hadn’t seen in what felt like forever (only a few weeks!), so went to lunch and was very good and had only the salad and loads of water. That seemed to get rid of the migraine totally, got home and carried on with my smoothie, water and green tea. Day 3 over and done with, woohoo!!

So what was supposed to be a 3 day detox turned into four days. Woke up the next morning and felt really good and decided to carry on with my detox for one more day.

Peace and Fabulous Health!

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