Dare To Be Healthy

Posts Tagged ‘Dietary fiber

Popeye PowerPopeye Power2So here’s my new kitchen toy, VITAMIX, woohoo!! I have wanted this product for such a long time and since getting it, I have been making smoothies, ice cream, sorbets (no judging, I know it hasn’t exactly been great weather for cold stuff – indulge me) and soups. I’m getting ready to start making my own almond milk, sauces, nut butters etc. Mega exciting stuff!!

The vitamix came just in the nick of time – my smoothie maker had just given up on me. So the first thing I made with it was my awesome, yummy green smoothie – here’s the recipe with pictures to boot!! I also made a fabulous mango ice cream, recipe to follow, and will be posting more recipes I make with this fab, fab product, so keep checking back.

The great thing about the vitamix is that it’s quite versatile for a blender. You can make smoothies, ice cream, sorbets, soups (actually heats up), bread mix (which I will be trying out soon) and sauces. It’s so easy to use and clean, and here’s the absolute best part – it comes with seven years warranty. Is that cool or what?!! Anyway enough of me going on, here’s the smoothie recipe.

Mega Fibre Smoothie
4 broccoli florets
Handful spinach
½ cucumber
1 apple
Inch ginger
1 lime
Cup of water
1 tsp. milled flaxseed (I use Linwoods brand)

Put the lot in your juicer or blender (vitamix) except the flaxseed and juice. Pour in a glass, add the flaxseed, mix thoroughly and enjoy!

Woke up feeling quite hungry, as expected but couldn’t stop now, already starting to feel a bit lighter. So as usual first thing lemon and warn water to cleanse me from the night before and get my metabolism started.  Then yoga and meditation for about 40 minutes and then made my juice for the day. Here’s the recipe:

3 celery sticks

Handful of parsleyLemon

1 pear

2 handfuls of kale

1 inch ginger

½ lemon

1 kiwi

So what do the new ingredients parsley, pear and kiwi do for you?

Parsley: is one herb that is usually just used for garnishing food. It is rich in carotenoids, chlorophyll, calcium, Vitamins A, B, C and iron. Parsley is known for its blood-cleansing and healing properties. It is a strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant. Parsley neutralizes toxins in your liver, inhibits abnormal cell growth (preventing tumours and cancers), and boosts the immune system.

Kiwis have similar properties to bananas, as well as contain vitamin E which helps improve skin radiance. They also help cleanse and energize our bodies.

Pears are an excellent source of soluble fibre and contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, folic acid and niacin. They are also rich in copper, phosphorus and potassium. The high vitamin C and copper content act as good antioxidants that protect cells from damage by free radicals and are critical in building the immune system.

Towards the end of the second day, I started getting the sore gums. Not quite sure why this happens but it always does. Guess it’s the body’s way of letting you know it’s awake and responding to the detox!

Peace and Fabulous Health!


1kg bag of carrots
2 apples
1 fennel
½ lemon with rind left on
4 ice cubes

Juice the lot and enjoy!

Apples are packed full of Vitamins A, B1, B2, and B6. The pectin in apples forms a gel in the intestine which eliminates toxins.

Carrots are rich in Vitamins A, C and K, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and iron. They help in reducing cholesterol, aid in the prevention of heart attack, promote healthy eyes, skin, and help in cleansing the liver. Most of the benefits of carrots are attributed to their high fibre and beta-carotene content.

Fennel contains Vitamins B and C, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. They help in reducing intestinal gas and bloating, and have a calming effect on digestion.

Lemon contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium and magnesium. It cleanses the system, eliminates toxins and neutralizes harmful bacteria.

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